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FaceRig is computer software (in beta stage) enabling anyone with a webcam to map their facial movements in order to animate a 3D avatar.

FaceRig is in beta stage (as of 2015 April 3) with version 1.0 scheduled for release in 2015 May.

FaceRig was funded via crowd-funding at Indiegogo and is being developed by Holotech Studios, a team of five independent developers "with help from friends whenever possible".[1]

FaceRig comes with pre-made avatars and people will be able to make their own avatars.

Pre-made avatars:

  1. Fluffo, a red panda
  2. Realistic wolf[2]
  3. Hatzi, a husky[3]

You can choose from a variety of backgrounds including choosing a webpage for background, including playing a YouTube video as part of the background.[4]


  1. FaceRig | Indiegogo. Retrieved 2015 April 3.
  2. Realistic Wolf Avatar
  3. Meet our new free avatar, a husky called Hatzi.
  4. Did you know that you can add a web page as you background...

External links[edit]

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