A Day For Soft Food

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Opening text of "A Day For Soft Food".

A Day For Soft Food is a text adventure game, written by Tod Levi as an entry for the 1999 rec.arts.int-fiction competition, in which it came 4th place.

In the game, the player takes on the role of an ordinary house cat, and the game’s descriptions reflect a cat’s-eye view of the world – a sofa and television set in the corner are a "lumpy mountain" facing a “confusing black box”, and so on. The game has the player performing typical house cat activities – climbing trees, chasing birds, convincing your Provider to fill your food bowl, etc.

The game is humorous, but often has somber notes – your Provider has been ill for some time ("he’s been all hisses and growls"), and hasn’t able to give you much care and attention lately. At the same time, a vicious Rival lurks in the nearby woods…

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