Nature Anthem

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Nature Anthem is a song and music video by Grandaddy. It was initially included as a bonus music video on their third studio album from 2003, Sumday, referred to as Nacher Anthem in the included booklet. The song was not a playable track on the album, being only accessible through the music video file.

In 2004 a more polished version was released, featured on the Below The Radio compilation and also released as a single (Nature Anthem). Here the spelling changed from Nacher Anthem to Nature Anthem. This new version has become the official version of the song and was overdubbed onto the original music video, creating some problems with synchronization.

The music video features a large number of people in fursuits dancing in the woods, and was directed by Matt Burke. The later version of the music video is available several places online.

The song has featured in two television advertising campaigns, for the Honda Civic Hybrid car (2005) and Coca-Cola (2006).


I wanna walk up the side of the mountain
I wanna walk down the other side of the mountain
I wanna swim in the river and lie in the sun
I wanna try to be nice to everyone


Nature Anthem: various creatures frolicking in the woods.

Species portrayed in the video include: