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Hair is a generic term referring to a specialized structure of the outer skin of mammals that serves multiple purposes, such as insulation, waterproofing, and hygiene. Unfortunately, hair may also serve as a safe harbor to parasites such as fleas. The term hair can be applied to either an individual strand or shaft, or collectively to the coat formed when large numbers of hairs cover a given area of the skin.

Hair In Furry Anatomy

Since the body hair of most mammals is usually referred to as fur, that term has carried over. In referring to the hair of the head, however, when a character is portrayed as having hair on the head like a human, this hair may be referred to as either hair or headfur.

Hair or fur in furry is oftentimes a means of making a character specially distinctive, usually by means of unusual colorations, patterns, or styles (such as braids).

Headfur in furry art and fursuits is the fur on the head where the hair would be and is longer than the rest of the fur and usually a different colour.